A recent study shows that small business activity is growing in 49 of the 50 states in the US.
Small business owners are creating jobs and helping strengthen communities, they add a unique flavor to their communities, provide young people their first jobs, and create a multiplier effect as they attract more commerce to their local economies, they are an irreplaceable part of our American experience,
It’s not uncommon for a small business owner to leave the security of a good job to start their business. 81% traded that security to pursue the American Dream, 49% of them were following their passion – 73% used personal savings and 23% used their personal credit cards to get things off the ground.
Two thirds of small businesses report an average 50 hr workweek and nine out of 10 spend time working on the weekends, 31.5% had businesses that were open on the weekend. 80 percent say they take work home and jump back into work for a few hours after everyone else in the family has gone to bed.
Creating jobs and providing needed services and products is not all. 80 percent of all small businesses support local charities and donate their time, products and cash to local groups and charities.
82.7% of small businesses think it is important to do. 70 percent of the businesses surveyed supported the local high school football team or the community theater.
Being an active part of their local community is important to small business owners. These are the small local businesses we trust to do our dry cleaning, service and clean our cars, entertain us, and provide a nice place to have dinner on a Friday night.
More than anything the study shows how important these small businesses are to our community and our towns economy and unlike Amazon and other online vendors, who give nothing back to the community it is local small businesses who create the lion’s share of new jobs, hire roughly half of our friends and neighbors and do give back to our community.